Ways of taking drugs

Depending on how you enter a drugs into your body affects how quickly you feel it and the damage to different parts of your body.  Smoking and injecting drugs into your body will more likely cause addiction to the drug as it is the fastest way that you can enter high concentrations which gives you a strong hit and makes you high.
Swallowing drugs in small quantities is the safest way because drugs are absorbed more slowly through the gut but the affect lasts longer.  Our body has also a safety mechanism for dangerous substances and if your body doesn’t like the substance you have put into your body, it often results in vomiting to get the substance out of your body.

Drugs like tobacco and cannabis are commonly smoked and enter the bloodstream via the lungs. Smoking causes cancer of the lung and throat as there are poisonous substances like tar and lead that causes cancer. Drugs have been developed especially to be smoked such as cocaine that could not be smoked was developed into crack cocaine that is a substance that can be smoked. The use of bongs and water bongs makes smoking safer as it works by vaporizing the drug at a high temperature which removes impurities from the smoke.

Powdered drugs like cocaine, heroin and speed are commonly snorted. Snorting drugs destroys the nose lining as the drugs are entered through the mucus lining of the nose and into the blood stream. A side affect of snorting is that the body produces more mucus to coat and protect the nose membrane making you snivel a lot.

Some drugs can be made into suppositories and inserted into the anus where they are absorbed into the bloodstream to go to the brain through the mucous membranes in the anus. This is a dangerous way of inserting drugs as the mucous membranes are very fragile and drugs can tend to burn tissue depending on its Ph can cause infection.  Drugs that are basic or acidic damage and burn the skin causing tissue damage.  Inserting through the anus can causes internal damage like ripping a hole in the lower colon which could be fatal. Powdered drugs can also be rubbed into the
mucus lining of the anus and liquid drugs (powder and water) can be inserted by syringes into the anus.

Injecting chemical drugs is dangerous as it passes our first line of defence(skin) and dangerous  particles cannot be filtered out via sneezing or coughing.  Injecting is the most dangerous way of inserting drugs as through the blood stream is the fastest way to get to the brain which gives a bug hit within seconds. This also makes injecting a great risk of overdosing and getting addicted. The risks of injecting drugs include:
blockages in the blood  leads to the loss of limbs or digits
collapsed veins
life-threatening blood clots
hepatitis B
hepatitis  C
infections of lungs and heart